A cara "B" da música, na cara "B" da radio # The "B" side of music, on the "B" side of radio. Conducted by: André C. Pastor —Pequeno Monstro—.

Amosando publicacións coa etiqueta Tangerine Dream. Amosar todas as publicacións
Amosando publicacións coa etiqueta Tangerine Dream. Amosar todas as publicacións

venres, 15 de xuño de 2012

Off Mental - programa 31

Logos Live. Tangerine Dream (Virgin, 1982)

Programa Nº 31 en Rádio FilispiM da serie OFF MENTAL, apresentado polo Pequeno Monstro. Outras músicas doutra forma, sen fronteiras estilísticas e de ningún outro tipo, cuxo denominador común é a creatividade.

Neste programa:
  • JOHANNES SCHMOELLING - Conemplating Mortality [The Zoo of Tranquillity. Edición Ederklang, 1998].
  • TANGERINE DREAM [Edgar Froese, Chris Franke e Johannes Schmoelling] - Logos 1 [Logos Live. Virgin, 1982].
  • BSO WALL-E  -  Put on your Sunday Clothes. Permormed by Michael Crawford, composed by Jerry Herman [Pixar, 2008].
  • BSO WALL-E - 2815 A.D. - Composed by Thomas Newman [Pixar, 2008].
  • BSO WALL-E - Wall-E - Composed by Thomas Newman [Pixar, 2008].
  • BSO WALL-E - The Spaceship - Composed by Thomas Newman [Pixar, 2008].
  • BSO WALL-E - EVE - Composed by Thomas Newman & Peter Gabriel [Pixar, 2008].
  • BSO WALL-E - THRUST - Composed by Thomas Newman [Pixar, 2008].
  • BSO WALL-E - Bubble Wrap - Composed by Thomas Newman [Pixar, 2008].
  • BSO WALL-E - La Vie en Rose - Permormed by Louis Armstrong, composed by Edith Piaf [Pixar, 2008].
  • BSO WALL-E - Eye Surgery - Composed by Thomas Newman [Pixar, 2008].
  • BSO WALL-E - Worry Wait  - Composed by Thomas Newman [Pixar, 2008].
  • BSO WALL-E - First Date  - Composed by Thomas Newman [Pixar, 2008].


Video: Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Johannes Schmoelling, 1980

venres, 8 de xuño de 2012

Off Mental - programa 30

The Zoo of Tranquillity (Johannes Schmoelling. Theta Records, 1987)

Programa Nº 30 en Rádio FilispiM da serie OFF MENTAL, apresentado polo Pequeno Monstro.Outras músicas doutra forma, sen fronteiras estilísticas e de ningún outro tipo, cuxo denominador común é a creatividade.

Especial AUTÓMATAS, ilustrados musicalmente polo grande compositor alemán de música electrónica Johannes Schmoelling, ex Tangerine Dream.

Neste programa:
  • JOHANNES SCHMOELLING - The Woodpecker [The Zoo of Tranquillity. Theta Rcds, 1987].
  • JOHANNES SCHMOELLING - The Wedding Cake [The Zoo of Tranquillity. Theta, 1987].
  • JOHANNES SCHMOELLING - The Rise of the Smooth Automaton [The Zoo of Tranquillity. Theta, 1987].
  • JOHANNES SCHMOELLING - The Zoo of Tranquillity (dedicated to Antje) [The Zoo of Tranquillity. Theta, 1987].
  • JOHANNES SCHMOELLING - The Lawnmover [The Zoo of Tranquillity. Theta, 1987].
  • JOHANNES SCHMOELLING - The Rise of the Smooth Automaton [The Zoo of Tranquillity. Ederklang Records, 1998].
  • JOHANNES SCHMOELLING - The Rise of the Smooth Automaton [The Zoo of Tranquillity. Theta, 1987].

Imaxe: Portada da primeira edición de The Zoo of Tranquillity, Johannes Schmoelling [Theta Records, 1987]
Video: Stigma [Silver Scale], tirado do álbum A Thousand Times. Johannes Schmoelling.

mércores, 15 de febreiro de 2012

Off Mental - programa 16

Holger Czukay (Moving Pictures. Purple Pyramid Records, 1993).

Programa Nº 16 en Rádio FilispiM da serie OFF MENTAL, apresentado polo Pequeno Monstro. Outras músicas doutra forma, sen fronteiras estilísticas e de ningún outro tipo, cuxo denominador común é a creatividade.

Neste programa:
  • HOLGER CZUKAY - Radio in an hourglass [Moving Pictures - Purple Pyramid Records, 1993].
  • HOLGER CZUKAY - All night lone [Moving Pictures - Purple Pyramid Records, 1993].
  • TANGERINE DREAM - Thru Metamorphic Rocks (edit) - [Force Majeure. Virgin, 1979].
  • TANGERINE DREAM - Phaedra (edit) - [Phaedra. Virgin, 1974].
  • GONG - Castle in the Clouds [Angel´s Egg. Virgin, 1973].
  • JON HASSELL & BRIAN ENO - Delta rain dream [Fourth World, Vol1. Possible Musics. Editions EG, 1980].
  • HOLGER CZUKAY - Träum Mal Wieder [Der Osten ist Rot. Virgin, 1984].

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